Boost your Etsy shop on the go
Driving an Etsy shop is a lot of work. There is a ton of other shops on the marketplace and a huge amount of beautiful handmade workpieces to discover. So how to stand out of these thousands of other nice shops?
Of course I could now give you at least 30 ways how to optimize your shop, starting at SEO optimizing to checking recent trends, branding and marketing. Sure. Maybe later. The only thing I will tell you now is:
Present your work in the best possible way!
No matter how good, bad or simple your product at the end of the day will be. The way of showing it to your target group is what matters (of course there is SEO and other things I’ve mentioned before but first things first). Having a good design presented in a crappy and noisy photo is mostly like not showing it at all.
I know what I’m talking about. You can read my very own enlightening story here.
Who is your target group and what is your product?
Things you need to think about before making your pictures is whom your product presentation wants to activate? Do you sell handmade toddler socks? Use toddler related things in your image. A small teddy bear, some wooden toys. Try to make a moodboard alike image. What color are the socks? Maybe yellow? So what about sunflowers or daisies? Or the tools you’ve used in the production process to underline that the product is handmade with love.
Or maybe you make wedding related templates like save the day cards. Check on Pinterest what the trends in wedding corporate and design are. Silk ribbons, eucalyptus or natural handcrafted paper? Use these elements and frame your product with it instead of just shooting the card at its own.
Simplify and speed up your workflow
But what to do, if you don’t have a proper printer or enough money to produce fancy cards or buy all this expensive elements every time a trend comes by. If you don’t have a floral shop right next to you with fancy eucalyptus. If you don’t have the best skills in taking photographs or maybe the time because you’re a home working mum. Probably you simply don’t want to collect so much stuff around or just don’t have the space.
No matter what your reason is, I can tell you: That’s actually no big deal and never ever again an excuse to not having the most beautiful, eye catching and outstanding product images. The following solution gives you the possibility to create templates and present them without even leaving your chair. You can arrange beautiful flatlays with your very own individual product inside while sitting in the car and making a road trip to Bali. Or you can boost your already existing image of your product with cool and fancy things.
Boost your Etsy shop presentation!
It’s as easy as it’s sounds. Boost your product presentation and layout by using design mockups! No matter what kind of taste you have, with mockups you can create an individual and branded image presentation your audience will fall in love with!
7 ideas to present your wedding template
Let’s come to the elephant in the room. Yes – mockups look realistic and yes – they are easy to use (check the step by step guide how to use a mockup). Also if you’re a complete photoshop noob. So check the possibilities for your very own template and imagine how it will improve the look of your whole shop! Of course you’re welcome to find inspiration in the following flatlay arrangements if you don’t sell ready printed products!
All elements are from the wedding scene creator no.1 and the scene creator no.2 from the ana & yvy shop.
The Romantic
Silk ribbons and vintage scissors. We all know this person, the romantic flat layer who arranges every little piece with most delicate precision and empathy. The silk has to lie like a french poem sounds on the surface. The vintage scissor is a wedding present from the grandmas’ grandma and the tiny plants are collected straight out of Romeo and Juliets balcony. Has your design template the potential to become one of these masterpieces? Who knows! Try it out, try it with a mockup!
The Weepy Poet
Relaxing lavender, a fountain pen, dreamy colors. These are the ingredients for a light colored and fairylike image situation. Showing your design in different color situations underlines the flexibility your customer will have with the purchased template.
The Hipster
The trend is still there and it doesn’t look like it’s over in 2018. Eucalyptus is a must have in the design world of social media. It works well with a huge range of designs and seems to be a good sign to show your audience you’re on track with the recent trends. The coolest thing? It looks still good when i’ts dry so you can reuse it over and over again if you have some branches of eucalyptus at home. If not, the scene creator – wedding event decor includes 5 different types of true blue eucalyptus. Style it like a real hipster with a lot of space to breath and a cup of coffee for the hipster freelance designer who knows the cool classics.
The Trendsy
The trendsy is a fast recognizer of trends and knows how to use them. No matter what, terrazzo, rose gold, gradient, he knows it first and best. His best friend? Pinterest! Experimenting with different styles, colors and elements – this is a real trend detector. The wedding trend goes to dark colors? No problem! The trend doctor knows how to deal with it. As fast as the trends move by, with the right mockup you’ll be always on track. Check the monstera leave you can put your own design on in the scene creator no.2!
The Organic Slob
You’re a nature person? Mother Earth, natural colors and herbals give you chills? Then the organic slob presentation could be your big thing! But because of your natural based taste you can’t imagine to use digital elements? Check this ginko arrangement! The sets includes natural objects with absolutely organic blemishes. No high polished stuff that looks fake like plastic. No more excuses.
The Minimalist
Who will love a mockup solution to avoid clutter all over the and loves a superclean apartment? Right. The minimalist trend swapped over the whole internet 2 years ago and it goes on. No wanky stuff, no clutter, no unnecessary interrupting decoration. Simple, clean and on point. That’s minimalist. And what’s more minimalistic than don’t even have all these envelopes, cards and papers all over the place? Right. A smart digital solution.
The Multitasker
Show your potential customer the possibilities your ready for print wedding invitation template comes with. Try to animate their fantasy to imagine the different styles the get out of one template when printing it on different paper types or even with letterpress or gold foil! Sometimes they don’t realize the possibilities one black and white template gives them.
As you can see, the possibilities are there, no excuses. You can customize the hell out of mockups. So give it a try!
Which type of presenter are you? Have you used mockups before? If so, what did you like by using a mockup and what was a struggle? Tell us your experience in the comments so we can learn, discuss and grow!