3 ways to style your own Instagram quote
Instagram can be fun but can also be a huge struggle. If you’re a busy business owner you need to handle a lot of things on your own, especially at the very beginning. Shooting photos, creating social media graphics, writing blogposts, managing your schedule and simply being everywhere at the same time. This can be very overwhelming.
Let’s do this Instagram quote!
Here are 3 ways how you can fill up your instagram with picture breaks by posting inspirational quotes and making them look fit to your brand corporate design with mockups, remade graphics and stock images.
No. 1 – Using styled stock images
Stock images are a great way to boost your instagram profile. Unfortunately lot of them are seen everywhere or they don’t fit your brand color. Pick unique stock images and adjust the colors to fit your brand.
Try to find stock images which are styled with white space so you can easily insert your quote without overdoing the whole layout.
The stock photo we used here is from the Pink Party set.
Add some strokes or dots to your quote to personalize the font.
The advantage is you don’t need to have photoshop. Use Procreate, Canvas or other graphic programs or apps.
No. 2 – Using mockup or scene creator elements
With using ready prepared elements from scene creators or style packs you have more possibilities.
Choose the scene elements that fit together or fit your quote topic. Adjust the color until it fits your brand corporate or your feed and than simply arrange the items. Mix and match different items from different scene creators to get your very special realistic looking flatlay.
It’s so easy and gives you a complete unique image. Play with the order of the objects so you can hide the font behind some objects to give it a more dimensional look.
The honeycomb pompoms and the objects are from the Lovely Party – wedding party & confetti mockup set.
The coolest feature is the gradient look on the honeycomb pom poms – we love it!
No. 3 – Using premade graphic elements
To get a more arty look you can use graphic elements like watercolor swatches and paint strokes. Collect the items you want to use and combine them together. By adjusting the color they work well in a composition and you get a unique and arty look.
Take some time offline and experiment with watercolors. It’s a great way to take some me-time and get your mind free. After finishing your work just scan or shoot the images and prepare them in an app or in photoshop.
You can save them in your very own private gallery and use them from time to time to make some beautiful quotes for your Instagram feed while you’re on the go.
The watercolor brush strokes and the silver paint are from the scene creator – wedding & event decor set.
This was your third Instagram quote! Easy peasy, don’t you think? Show us your quote design on Instagram!
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Save this mini step-by-step tutorial for later on your Pinterest pinboard. We made an all-in-one image for you.